

Thurs 2 August to Sunday 5 August 2018
on the 1780 Holzhey Organ in Obermarchtal Monastery

Course Leader: Gerhard Weinberger

Invitation is extended to organists and organ fans irrespective of age and level.

You can choose:
participation as active player, or passive listener
free choice of speciality from early Baroque to early Romantic and W.A. Mozart
instruction daily on the Holzhey Organ and plenty of time for practice, conversations and meetings.

Trip to Ochsenhausen (Gabler Organ 1728, 1755 ) and to Rot a.d. Rot (Holzhey Organ 1793).

Public recital by course leaders and participants in Obermarchtal

Course language: German / English

Course fees: € 150 active / € 120 passive
€ 150 active/ € 120 pupils and students
€ 120 passive / € 100 pupils and students

Accommodation in the Culture House of Untermarchtal Monastery from € 29,00 bead and breakfast

Application forms

OAO – Organ Academy Upper Swabia

established in 2004 as a summer meeting place for organists from all over the world, young and old , professionals and beginners.
Lecturers and course leaders since 2004: Dr. Michael Belotti, Prof. Dr. Busch, Prof. Jürgen Essl, Prof. Dr. Hoyer, Prof. Gerhard Gnann, Johannes Mayr, Franz Raml, Prof. Gerhard Weinberger.
Participants in the last 14 years from Germany, France, Great Britain, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland, South Africa, USA.
OAO – South German Playing Style on especially historical organs, historical playing styles, baroque beauty of space and sound, study days, recitals, organ viewings, international meetings.
Co-operation with ISAM - International Summer Academy of Music.

OAO – an event organised by ORGANpromotion
Application and information: www.ORGANpromotion.orgThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Programm / schedule

thursday August, 2
2 p.m. opening
3 p.m. course
practice time

friday August, 3
9 a.m. - 12h course
practice time
6 p.m. Trip to Ochsenhausen and Rot

saturday August, 4
9 a.m. course
2 p.m. practistime
3 p.m. course
5 p.m. practice time
8 p.m. Participants concert

sunday August, 5
10:15 a.m. mass (Organ playing by the partcipants)
5 p.m. concert Gerhard Weinberger


Orgelakademie Oberschwaben 2009
Orgelakademie Oberschwaben 2010
Orgelakademie Oberschwaben 2011
Orgelakademie Oberschwaben 2014